
Local nonprofit media matters

Nonprofit media is expanding. The Institute for Nonprofit News manages the Local Media Initiative to produce impactful stories through non-profit online news organizations. Examples of impactful stories produced by digital-native non-profits: Assignment: Look over the web site of the Institute for Nonprofit News. What range of topics do its members cover?. What range of topics do they cover? What topics don’t they cover and why not? What sort of media do these organizations use? Select an ongoing story or topic that matters to you and select the organization that is most suited to cover it.

Searchlight: To continue the success of local nonprofit media initiatives, we must find a viable business model. What do you think that entails? Come up with your own business model.

Extra Credit: To continue the success of local nonprofit media initiatives, we must find a viable business model. What do you think that entails? Come up with your own business model.