Guided reading questions for chapter four
1. According to the Knight Foundation, what does it mean to be an “informed and engaged” community?
2. How big an impact, measured in dollars, did the three investigative stories cited in this chapter have?
3. How many journalism jobs have been cut in recent years?
4. Who does the author say must share the blame for the lack of news literacy in our society?
5. What are three ways in which journalists, journalism organizations and journalism schools can highlight the impact of investigative reporters?
6. What was the problem before The Forum was created in Deerfield, New Hampshire? What happened after community volunteers began reporting for The Forum?
7. In terms of revenue, how is digital advertising different from traditional print advertising?
8. What does the chapter say about the state of arts journalism, nationally and locally? What example does the author give to highlight the state of national arts journalism?
9. According to the author, every major upward spike in U.S. election turnout has come during a time when what was happening?
10. What mistake have traditional news media made with their websites?
11. What are some ways news organizations can better engage communities?
12. Is there a relationship between whether a community engages with a news story and whether it creates a change of some sort?
13. Where can you find a journalism code of ethics?
14. Does digital media technology create new ethical concerns of journalists and citizens? Does it also create new potential to deal with those concerns?
15. What is your personal view of ethics? Do you have your own standards by which you share information about yourself or those around you?